Digital Calligraffiti & its main interactive tool, the Infl3ctor, give the chance to social groups to express their beliefs and values. Using as expressive force the art of calligraffiti to catalyse the communication between the unit and the whole, it is aiming at transforming the urban screens & facades into a canvas of expression and shake to the core our awareness on today’s burning topics.
This artistic format is focusing on facilitating a dialogue, people’s bridge building and promoting diversities.
Digital Calligraffiti Workshop @ TINCON
Next to TINCON’s topic HateSpeech in the digital era, Digital Calligraffiti is bringing up the matter of free expression of thoughts and emotions. ‘How do we express ourselves in the era of digitalism? Which are the formats in our disposal to express our feelings in a time, where our communication is based on social media chats and emoticons?’
TINCON’s audience is invited to join the workshop and explore the possibilities created by the junction of calligraffiti and new media & take over the walls of Kraftwerk with the Infl3ctor interactive projections!
Artists: Michael Ang & Drury Brennan
Fr 23.06.2017: 3PM – 7PM / Calligraffiti Workshop & Infl3ctor Performance
Sat 24.6.2017: 12PM – 3PM / Calligraffiti Workshop & Infl3ctor Performance
Sun 25.06.2017: 12PM – 4PM / Calligraffiti Workshop & Infl3ctor Performance
A project initiated & curated by: Public Art Lab
co-curated by: From Here to Fame Publishing House & Hamza Abu Ayyash
in the framework of Future DiverCities